Question about Game Piece Inventory Window..

OK, so I have two decks in my game… Well I have a central deck that player’s pull cards from and add to their own personal deck, so I can really have up to 5 decks (1 central and 1 for each of 4 possible players).

Each card has a value, so I put a Marker on all the cards. (Honor = 1, Honor = 2, etc… etc…), to signify their Honor value.

I then created a Game Piece Inventory Window to count all of this. Right now it counts ALL of the cards across the game, but I want it to count just the cards in a player’s deck. I would make 4 of these windows and make each available only to the respective side.

I tried adding some different expressions to the “Show only pieces matching these properties” value, but can’t get anything to work. It always shows ALL the cards.

I’ve tried the following:

“Player1_Deck” which is the name of the deck.
“Player1_Hand” which is the name of the Player Hand.
“Player1_Board” which is the name of the map board in the Player Hand.

What could I be doing wrong? :slight_smile:


Have you checked the Properties page in the reference manual (accessible from the Game Piece Inventory page)? ‘Properties can be matched using expressions like name = value for an exact match, etc’. None of these things are expressions. You will need something like


I’ve tried the following:

“Player1_Deck” which is the name of the deck.
“Player1_Hand” which is the name of the Player Hand.
“Player1_Board” which is the name of the map board in the Player Hand.

What could I be doing wrong? :slight_smile:

Ah awesome. Thank you. This got me moving the right direction.

Almost done! lol. Thanks again :slight_smile:

Is it possible to check if a card is in a player’s hand or board? I’m stabbing for the property name.

I’ve tried

Board = Player1_Board
BoardName = Player1_Board

use CurrentBoard = Player1_Board

Woot! Thanks again.