Hellenes PBEM anyone?

Hi fellow Vassal-ites
I’ve got a copy of Hellenes and finally read the rules, so am keen to give this a go via Vassal. Anyone up for a PBEM game? I can generally do a turn at least several times a week and am not in any sort of hurry. I’m based in West Australia.
Breaker (Greg)

Did you get a response on this? I’m interested, though would be a newbie.

Hi Carlos…you are the first to reply? Shall we give it a go?
When you say you are a newbie…do you mean to Hellenes or to Vassal…or both?
I’m happy to start up a PBEM game with you and see how we go.

new to Hellenes, but not VASSAL; you?

Have been using Vassal for some years, but this would be my first Hellenes game. I’ll PM you to get started, shall I?

I look forward to it! You may e.mail me at carlthepal@yahoo.com