Loading Fighting Wings

I can Download the Fighting Wings module but I can’t get it to load into vassal. Says the module is not a vassal Module. Or, That the media player cannot open this module. Need some help Here. Please let me know how to load this.

Rename it from .mod to .vmod and it should load ok.

Vassal Modules used to use the .mod file extension, but this was changed in Vassal 3.1. They all should use .vmod now.

However, many media player apps still use the .mod extension, which is why your media player tried to open the file…your OS probably thought this was some media playlist or the like.

Thanks to Mycenae for the reply.
This module has a .wpl extention. The only way I can see it is in the file properties window. I can rename the file with .vmod but that doesn’t change the .wpl extention. I guess my problem is that I don’t know how to rename the file extention.
How can I do this?
Thanks for help

When I download this file, the file I get on my machine ends in .mod. It’s called “FW v1.mod”.

I’m not sure what a .wpl file is. Is it possible that’s a partial download temp file? What is the complete name of your downloaded file?

I think you’re using Windows, so you need to find the setting for ‘Show File Extensions’ and make sure it’s turned on. Check your Windows help for instructions on how to do that, or Google ‘Show file extensions’ for your version of Windows. The procedure appears to be slightly different for XP, Vista and Win 7. Then you should be able to work with the file more easily.

Thanks once again Mycenae
Man! I really don’t know whats happening here. When I download the file it opens the media player and tries to open the file. In the media player it says “Untitled play list” and file name is “FW v1”, no extention. Then I Get the message that “Windows media can’t open the file.” I must not be chooseing the right download line or something. I will look at the vassal FW module again.

Yes, I am using win7 pro. I will try to check on the settings for the file extensions.

Make sure that you download the file to save it, not run it. Then rename the saved file, and you can launch it in Vassal.

What’s happening is, Windows thinks the .mod file you are downloading is a playlist. So Windows automatically launches Media Player and you get the error message. That’s correct–playlists do use the .mod extension. This is why the Vassal module extension was changed from .mod to .vmod. The Fighting Wings module appears to be a little older (2007?) and was never updated to reflect the new file convention.

Poking around on the Fighting Wings module site, I found an email address for the module maintainer at no-mans-land.info/ under the “Contact” link. You might consider contacting him about updating his files so this problem doesn’t reoccur.

Thanks alot for staying with me. Just had to save it first. Have the module in vassal now and working.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 9:14 AM, mycenae ed@crucible.cc wrote:

Poking around on the Fighting Wings module site, I found an email
address for the module maintainer at no-mans-land.info/[1]
under the “Contact” link. You might consider contacting him about
updating his files so this problem doesn’t reoccur.

[1] no-mans-land.info/

The maintainer (Ian Wedge) doesn’t monitor the Vassal forum.

The best place to contact him is either directly or through the
Fighting_Wings_Games Yahoo group.