Twillight Imperium Game 1: Is anybody out there?

Sol takes Warfare.

Strategy Card status:
L1Z1X → Imperial
Sol → Technology
N’Orr ->Initiative
Hacan ->Trade
L1Z1X ->Logistics
Sol → Warfare
N’Orr →
Hacan →

N’orr takes politics

Strategy Card status:
L1Z1X → Imperial
Sol → Technology
N’Orr ->Initiative
Hacan ->Trade
L1Z1X ->Logistics
Sol → Warfare
N’Orr ->Politics
Hacan →

Obviously, he is taking diplomacy…

I guess we can start the action phase. I guess L1z1X can pass out the strategy cards and start his turn. Make sure you give the Speaker token to N’Orr for next round.

Based on other games, the action phase message should look like this:

CC-TAP: 3/3/3-3/0/2 (The numbers are CCs in Strategy/ Fleet/ Command - Tech Cards/ Action/ Political)

Activate Industrex system

Send Carrier, 3 fighters, 2 GF and 1 PDS onto the system.

Industrex invasion and Xxcha Up!

CC-TAP: 3/3/2-3/0/2

Speaking of which, are we supposed to have political cards to start or was that one of the expansion rules?


CC-TAP: 3/3/3-0/0/0
activate resculon system and moved 3 fighters and 3 ground troops as well as scientist. landed troops on both planets and the scientist on Corneeq

CC-TAP: 3/3/2-0/0/0

if i forgot something, please let me know, thanks! :smiley:

Sol’s turn

Fighters and Ground Force must be carried by a Carrier.

oops, yeah, i moved that too

Yeah, no political cards for core game

BTW - no one peaked at my SO card that said I win the game if I sit on my home planet for a turn? :slight_smile:

everyone! gang up on him! he’s about to win!

Sol Turn

2/3/3 - 0/0/0

Sol uses the Technology Strategy gaining Enviro Compensators.

2/3/3 - 0/0/0

Everyone has 24 hours to decide whether or not to use the secondary ability, although I don’t think anyone has the required 8 resources.

Next Turn N’Orr.

Oops. I just realized we are going in the wrong order. Turn order is based on strategy cards.

N’Orr should be first, then Hacan…

Probably nothing would have changed…

Good catch…

I will post tomorrow at 1 pm EST. I am going out right now.

Sorry I was out for a couple of days, my wife was in the hospital. From what it sounds like I will be taking my turn after 1:00pm EST. looks like I’ll be colonizing some unclaimed planets. LONG LIVE THE HACAN TRADE FEDERATION!

Is your wife okay?

Initiative - N’Orr (current)
Diplomacy - Hacan
Political - N’Orr
Logistics - L1Z1X (done?)
Trade - Hacan
Warfare - Sol
Tech - Sol (done)
Imperial - L1Z1X

I am working on my turn right now. May take a little bit. Little girl is sick. I am exhausted and other stuff going on. Should be able to meet 1:00 though…cheeres

Only Tech has been activated, and that techinically won’t occur until right before your second turn, so you can ignore that for now. We can conceptually go back in time to before L1z1X’s turn to execute N’Orr and Hacan’s turns.

Here is what needs to happen

N’Orr → Take first turn
Hacan → Take first turn
L1z1X → invade system (already done)
Sol → activate technology (already done)
Everyone decide whether to follow Tech or not
N’Orr → Take second turn
Hacan → Take second turn

Place Admiral and General Sh’VAL on QUINARRA

CC-TAP: 2/3/2-0/0/0

Activate QUCEN’N/RARRON System

Move Carrier and cruiser with 5 troops and General Sekkus