Twillight Imperium Game 1: Is anybody out there?

Oops. I just realized we are going in the wrong order. Turn order is based on strategy cards.

N’Orr should be first, then Hacan…

Probably nothing would have changed…

Good catch…

I will post tomorrow at 1 pm EST. I am going out right now.

Sorry I was out for a couple of days, my wife was in the hospital. From what it sounds like I will be taking my turn after 1:00pm EST. looks like I’ll be colonizing some unclaimed planets. LONG LIVE THE HACAN TRADE FEDERATION!

Is your wife okay?

Initiative - N’Orr (current)
Diplomacy - Hacan
Political - N’Orr
Logistics - L1Z1X (done?)
Trade - Hacan
Warfare - Sol
Tech - Sol (done)
Imperial - L1Z1X

I am working on my turn right now. May take a little bit. Little girl is sick. I am exhausted and other stuff going on. Should be able to meet 1:00 though…cheeres

Only Tech has been activated, and that techinically won’t occur until right before your second turn, so you can ignore that for now. We can conceptually go back in time to before L1z1X’s turn to execute N’Orr and Hacan’s turns.

Here is what needs to happen

N’Orr → Take first turn
Hacan → Take first turn
L1z1X → invade system (already done)
Sol → activate technology (already done)
Everyone decide whether to follow Tech or not
N’Orr → Take second turn
Hacan → Take second turn

Place Admiral and General Sh’VAL on QUINARRA

CC-TAP: 2/3/2-0/0/0

Activate QUCEN’N/RARRON System

Move Carrier and cruiser with 5 troops and General Sekkus

N’Orr → invade system (already done)
Hacan → Take first turn (current turn)
L1z1X → invade system (already done)
Sol → activate technology (already done)
Everyone decide whether to follow Tech or not
N’Orr → Take second turn
Hacan → Take second turn

You should post your beginning and ending CC-TAP with the detailed action in the middle. I believe that the above is only your ending CC-TAP, correct?

correct, I will amend post above

Seems like I can’t. So here it is again…


CC-TAP: 2/3/3-0/0/0

Place Admiral and General Sh’VAL on QUINARRA

Activate QUCEN’N/RARRON System

Move Carrier and cruiser with 5 troops and General Sekkus

CC-TAP: 2/3/2-0/0/0


My wife is fine, she is home now and her meds are keeping her mostly asleep.

I took my turn, here is the current logfile

Begin turn Hacan:

CC-TAP: 2/3/3-0/0/0

Moved carrier and three troops to claim the Rigel system.

CC-TAP: 2/3/2-0/0/0

I’ll be available all day if we happen to get to my next turn.

OK, now everyone needs to decide if that are following the Tech card or not. I believe that should start with the person to the “left” of me, which is N’Orr.

I am not exactly sure how they handle this in other games, but I have seen a 24 hour limit imposed.

Once you three have responded, it will be N’Orr’s turn again.

In one game I am monitoring, they are going ahead with actions and simply stating in their actions whether or not they are following.

So, N’Orr’s turn, whenever Ryan is ready.

I could be okay with that. I will not be using tech. I will also post my turn tonight. I thought I was going to get some free time but my children have decided I don’t…;)

NP. That is expected when playing by forum. Most games install a 24 hour limit to post your turn, unless you notify of an extended absence beforehand. Not sure what they do if you miss your turn…

Begin N’Orr Turn

CC-TAP: 2/3/2-0/0/0

Build 1 carrier, 2 ground forces in home system

CC-TAP: 2/3/1-0/0/0

End N’Orr Turn

I am assuming that there is a planet in your home system (since newly acquired planets are acquired exhausted) that provides the 4 resources needed to build those units and that you exhausted the planet(s).

I can’t see the log files till I get home from work.

If that is true, Hacan is up.