Twillight Imperium Game 1: Is anybody out there?

L1z1x activated Imperial and gained 2 VP.

Imperial secondary open. New objective uncovered.

[size=200]Sol is up[/size]

PS. Bruno, please damage your Dread (Norr PDS fire).

Sorry about that. I will do that when I get a chance to post tonight.

Np, I just forgot to do it in my log.

Wuluk, I’m not sure what happened, but the log file you posted appears to be from last round or maybe the round before.

So, I am starting from Hacan’s last log and posting your Imperial move as well as finishing the battle.

Check to make sure that I did your Imperial correctly.

Sol CC-TAP: 1/6/3 - 2/7/0

Imperial Secondary no CC cost
Build 2 CA, 2 DD, 2 GF in HS (cost 7)
Exhaust Bereg (3), Tequ’Ran (2), ST (1), 1 TG

Sol CC-TAP: 1/6/3 - 1/7/0

Action: Tactical
Activate Empty system next to Mecatol Rex
Move DN, 2 CA, 2 DD from HS

Sol CC-TAP: 1/6/2 - 1/7/0

N’Orr PDS fire?
N’Orr, Hacan Imperial secondaries?

[size=200]N’Orr Up[/size]

I will post tomorrow

Can I use Sarween Tools to give me 1 resource even when I have exhausted all my planets? For the Imperial secondary…

Yes, you can produce paying only with Sarween Tools.



Action: Imperial Secondary
spend 1 cc from strat and build 2 inf in HS using sarween tools

Action: pds fire at SOL force - miss them

Action: pass



[size=150]HACAN UP[/size]

Hacan CC-TAP: 0/5/1 - 1/5/0

Activate Trade
Collect 7TG

Hacan CC-TAP: 0/5/1 - 8/5/0

[size=150]L1z1x Turn[/size]

L1z1x will decline Trade secondary. Negotiating with Hacan renewal of our trade pact.

CC-TAP 0/5/1-0/5/0

Activate HS, move CV from Lesab with 1 GF and 2 FF.

Build 2 PDS(4), 2GF(1), 2 DD(2). Pay with Zohbat(3), Ashtroth(2), Abbadon(1) and Sarween(1).

CC-TAP 0/5/0-0/5/0

[size=200]Sol up[/size]

Sol CC-TAP: 1/6/2 - 1/7/0

Trade Secondary +5 TG (No CC Cost)

Sol CC-TAP: 1/6/2 - 6/7/0

Action: Racial
Create 2 GF on Mecatol Rex

Sol CC-TAP: 0/6/2 - 6/7/0

I will use trade secondary



Action: Trade secondary
spending 1 cc to activate trade agreements



So, Hacan is up

Hacan CC-TAP: 0/5/1 - 8/5/0

Activate Rigel system
Build DN, 2 GF
Exhaust Hope’s End, Rigel II, Hercant, ST
(Added wrong in first log file, exhausted another planet in update)

Hacan CC-TAP: 0/5/0 - 8/5/0

[size=150]L1z1x Turn[/size]

Used Warfare at HS. Secondaries open.

[size=200]Sol up[/size]

Pass on secondary

Sol CC-TAP: 0/6/2 - 6/7/0

Activate HS
Build 2 CA, 2 DD, 2 FF (cost 7)
Exhaust Lirta (2), El’Nath (2), Sarween (1), 2 TG

Sol CC-TAP: 0/6/1 - 4/7/0

[size=200]Hacan Up[/size]

Hacan CC-TAP: 0/5/0 - 8/5/0

Activate Logistics

Hacan CC-TAP: 2/5/2 - 8/5/0

[size=150]L1z1x Turn[/size]


CC-TAP 0/5/1-0/4/0

Used Logistics.

CC-TAP 0/5/3-0/4/0

Tactical action in Corneq/Resculon.

CC-TAP 0/5/2-0/4/0

[size=200]Sol next[/size]

edit: Miscalculated GF’s