Attaching map window to chat window?

I’m working on a small module for a card game. The module itself is fairly complete, but during betatesting one friend commented that it would be nice if the main map was attached to the window with the chat. I’ve been searching for over an hour now, and all I’ve been able to discover was that it is the default for the first map in a module (reading it from top to bottom in the editor) to be attached in this manner. I’m completely lost as to why it isn’t attaching. Any ideas?

Under File → Preferences, there’s an option to “Combine application windows” if this is checked, everything will run in one window (map will be attached to chat). If not checked, everything will open as a separate window.

The Combine Application Windows option is checked. Still not connected, unfortunately.

Thus spake Pilz:

The Combine Application Windows option is checked. Still not connected,

This setting doesn’t take affect until after you restart.


I didn’t just check it. It has been checked. I went into the preferences menu and it was checked. Also, another module that I have displays the map in the same window as the chat, like I want this module to display.

Thus spake Pilz:

I didn’t just check it. It has been checked. I went into the
preferences menu and it was checked. Also, another module that I have
displays the map in the same window as the chat, like I want this module
to display.

We need to see the module to be able to troubleshoot further.


Not a problem!

There’s the module, in all its nooby glory.

Thus spake Pilz:

Not a problem![1]

Uncheck “Include toolbar button to show/hide?” for the main map. Note
that you have to reload the module before this will take effect.


That worked! Thank you, kind sir|