Markers rotating with a counter

I’m putting together a module where boxes are checked off on a counter and the orientation of the boxes on the counter is important.

So lets say I place 3 markers at the top edge of the counter to represent the boxes being checked off. Now I want to rotate the counter that is on the bottom. The 3 markers I placed need to rotate WITH the counter such that they are no longer aligned to the top edge of the coutner, but to the next hex edge over in the direction the bottom counter rotated.

The green squares are markers placed on the black counter with a C on it.

Then the base counter rotates 60 degrees CW.

Any ideas?

EDIT, I accidentally rotated my example image 90 degrees, but pretend it is rotating 60 degrees within a hex.

Any thoughts on this? I’m still a bit stumped although it is not urgent.

Thus spake chrono280:

Any thoughts on this? I’m still a bit stumped although it is not

You could do this by making each marker a mostly-transparent layer.
