GDW Imperium 1st Ed.

I recently moved to Thailand from USA to retire.
I live very near Bangkok for now. I’m very near the Wat Sai floating market until mid-April, 2014. On a google map of Bangkok google that name.
After that I’m going north to Mai A Tang, 45 km east northeast of Chang Mai.

I’m looking for a guy to help me with a project to create a new variant of Imperium 1st Ed. that is balanced, encourages you to buy and use the cruisers & BBs, and perhaps is more in line with what I think is “reasonable”. [Yes I know, in Sci-Fi reasonable is different for everyone.]

For instance, how can the average Jump Troop Division be 5 times more powerful than the average Regular Troop Division when the RT have heavy Art. and other heavy weapons which the JT lack?? Or how can a PDM that survives bombardment then be in range of the bombarding ships when it wasn’t in range as it was fired at??

Reply or send me an instant message with this Page’s system.

Sincerely, Steve1501

To be clear –
Vassal or
Face to face.