Displaying Dynamic Property Value via Keyboard Command

I have set up a dynamic property that gets assigned to individual counters. I want the value of the property to only show when the user executes a menu/keyboard command.

If I use the Text Label trait to show it (loading it in both the Text and Name Format fields), it is always visible. I tried adding menu and keyboard commands to the text label trait, but when I trigger the keyboard command it shows up as “Step Losses: $StepLoss4$”

Any suggestions would be welcome.


You need another Dynamic Property which says whether the value is showing (this will be controlled by the menu/keyboard command you mentioned), and a Calculated Property which will contain the actual text:

Dynamic Property

  • Name: StepLossesShowing

  • Value: false

  • (Add Key Command)
    [*]Menu Command: (put menu command text here)

  • Key Command: (put keystroke here)

  • Type: Set value directly

  • New Value: {(StepLossesShowing == true) ? false : true}

(Note: in theory you should be able to just use {!StepLossesShowing} for the New Value, but istr Vassal’s string-to-boolean type coercion is faulty with the ‘not’ operator so I suspect that wouldn’t work in practice.)

Calculated Property

  • Property Name: StepLossesText
  • Expression: (StepLossesShowing == true) ? ("Step Losses: " + StepLoss) : “”

In your text label trait, the text should be just $StepLossesText$.

That worked! Much Appreciated.