Automatic GamePiece Orientation

Is there a way to set up a board so that a Game Piece which goes into a certain area will be given a specific orientation (rotate in a certain direction)?

Give the piece a trigger action trait that only executes once based on board location when placed i.e with a property match expression such as hasSetup = false && CurrentBoard = something. Then you add the relevant traits to rotate as reqd and add a dynamic property that will flip the hasSetup variable to true all the keystrokes will be contained in the trigger action

I’m sorry, but can you put this in more novice terms for me? Let’s say for the purpose of discussion, I want a piece to face north whenever it’s in “Area 3.” I can’t just set it to trigger a certain number of rotation keystrokes, because I don’t know how it’s gonna be rotated before it enters Area 3. Now, I have seen some indications from other attempts to research this problem that there’s an “unrotate” command, to return a piece to its original facing, but I can’t find out where that command actually is (I don’t see it anywhere in the Can Rotate trait). If I could find that command, then it would allow me to set the piece to unrotate first, and then I’d be able to rotate it a fixed amount, because I would no longer have to worry about not knowing how it was oriented before it moved into that area.

Also, can you explain what hasSetup is?
