First module design & feedback

Newbie here, created my first module for the card game Eleminis. It’s very simple and straightforward, so I figured it would make a great first module to get my feet wet. I think I’m 90% there but have a few minor questions:

1 - The game is for 2-8 players, so I created a hand for each player (all hands are 100% publicly visible at all times in this game, there’s no secrets). But if only 4 people play, all 8 hands still appear when the game starts. Is there a way I can hide any of the hands that are not needed if there’s not enough players for them?

2 - Within each hand, I added a Board under the Map Boards section. I set the Board width and height to 1000x300, but the hand windows that show up are square shaped. Any reason why the windows aren’t matching the size of the height/width I specified?

3 - How is a discard pile best handled? Should I create a 2nd deck and define it as the discard deck, and leave it empty and let players drop cards there to discard, and set it so its always face up? Or do I just go without a deck and let players drop discarded cards onto one another, creating an arbitrary discard pile? Or is there another better method?

4 - Finally, whenever a card is drawn, it can be placed either into the current players hand or into another players hand. Currently, I cant drop it into another players hand window. Any idea how to allow this?

Once I get those resolved, I think I should have a playable version to put out there and let people try!

  1. Nope you cant hide the unused hands

  2. Did you add an image that is 1000 X 300? The window is not bound by rule to keep the board dimensions either - its like any window on your computer that can be resized regardless of content if you need to see something else behind it while playing etc…

  3. 2nd deck as a discard pile that is empty is a good way to go. Make sure to turn on the outline for when empty so players can see it - maybe put a text label by it to be clear

  4. A Player Hand is a specialized Private Window for containing a hand of cards. It is designated as belonging to a particular side or sides. The owning sides must correspond to one or more of the sides defined in the definition of player sides.
    In other words if you want other players to be able to manipulate that player hand - such as drop cards into/remove from it, they must be defined in the Hand Window’s “Belong to Side” option