Masking and Drawing from a Deck

I’m developing a game that allows masking of units and also placing them in a random draw cup (deck). Whenever a unit is pulled from the cup it always comes out as masked and I’d prefer that they come out unmasked. Masking is set up to mask/unmask only by owning player. Even when owning player puts the unit in the cup unmasked and draws it out, it comes out masked.

Is masking automatic when drawing from a deck or am I missing a setting somewhere?

One of the tickbox options in the properties of the deck from which cards are being drawn should be: “Draw new cards face up?”. You’ll want that to be checked.

Hi Joel,

That didn’t do it. More info, when units are placed in the cup, whether the deck specs say:

“Contents are Face-Down = Never” and “Draw new cards face up” is checked


“Contents are Face-Down = Always” and "Draw new cards face up " is unchecked

The pieces in the cups are shown as the mask says the non-owner should see.

When an owner draws it shows the mask the owner should see and when a non-owner draws is shows the mask the way a non-owner should see.

Almost like if you specify Masking the decks are going to use Masking. :confused:


Decks do use Masking.

If “Contents are Face-Down = Always” then pieces will display their masked side when in the Deck.

If "Draw new cards face up " is unchecked then pieces will be masked when they are drawn from the Deck.

After changing the settings in your module, make sure you start a new game. Changing these settings will NOT affect a game that is already in progress.


Thanks, Brent!!!

That did it!!!
