Interface ComponentDescription

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFolder, BoxWidget, CardSlot, Chart, ChartWindow, ChessClock, ChessClockControl, CounterTurnLevel, DeckSubFolder, DrawPile, Flare, GlobalOptions, GlobalPropertyFolder, HtmlChart, LayerControl, LayeredPieceCollection, ListTurnLevel, ListWidget, Map, MapSubFolder, MapWidget, ModuleSubFolder, NotesWindow, PanelWidget, PieceSlot, PieceWindow, PlayerHand, PlayerRoster, PredefinedSetup, PrivateMap, PrototypeDefinition, PrototypeFolder, SpecialDiceButton, TabWidget, TurnComponent, TurnLevel, TurnTracker, Widget, WidgetMap

public interface ComponentDescription
Components that have descriptions which can be displayed next to their component types/names in the main Editor window
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      default String getDescription()
      Description to be displayed next to component type/name in the main Editor window. Or null or "" to not display anything.