Interface PieceCollection

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompoundPieceCollection, DefaultPieceCollection, LayeredPieceCollection.Collection, SimplePieceCollection

public interface PieceCollection
A PieceCollection generally holds a list of GamePieces on a Map. Each Map has a master CompoundPieceCollection that contains all of its pieces, stacks, and decks -- usually this will be a LayeredPieceCollection but possibly a simpler DefaultPieceCollection. Within a CompoundPieceCollection, there may be several SimplePieceCollections, each containing the pieces in a single visual layer.

In addition to providing a means to maintain a list of all the pieces in a map, this interface provides a means to manage the draw order of pieces, in part by grouping pieces into different visual layers for e.g. Game Piece Layer Control and Game Piece Layer components of a Map. Within each layer, pieces are also listed in the order they should be drawn (i.e. lowest index at the back/bottom, highest index at the front/top).