Interface GameComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractScenarioProperty, AbstractToolbarItem, BasicLogger, BoardPicker, BooleanScenarioProperty, ChangePropertyButton, ChessClock, ChessClockControl, DeckGlobalKeyCommand, DiceButton, DoActionButton, DrawPile, EventLog, Flare, GameRefresher, GlobalKeyCommand, GlobalMap, GlobalProperty, GlobalTranslatableMessage, HidePiecesButton, HighlightLastMoved, ImageSaver, InternetDiceButton, Inventory, LayerControl, ListScenarioProperty, LOS_Thread, Map, MapShader, MassKeyCommand, ModuleExtension, ModulePlugin, MoveCameraButton, MultiActionButton, NewGameIndicator, NotesWindow, NumberScenarioProperty, ObscurableOptions, PieceMover, PieceRecenterer, PlayerHand, PlayerRoster, PredefinedSetup, PrivateMap, PrivateNotesController, RandomTextButton, ScenarioOptions, ScenarioPropertiesOptionTab, SecretNotesController, SetupStack, SpecialDiceButton, StartupGlobalKeyCommand, StringScenarioProperty, TextSaver, ToolbarMenu, TurnTracker, WidgetMap, Zone, ZoneProperty, Zoomer

public interface GameComponent
A GameComponent is any object which reacts to the start/end of a game, or whose state can be saved as part of a game.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    When saving a game, each GameComponent should return a Command that, when executed, restores the GameComponent to its state when the game was saved If this component has no persistent state, return null
    setup(boolean gameStarting)
    Notify the GameComponent that a game has started/ended
  • Method Details

    • setup

      void setup(boolean gameStarting)
      Notify the GameComponent that a game has started/ended
      gameStarting - if true, a game is starting. If false, then a game is ending
    • getRestoreCommand

      Command getRestoreCommand()
      When saving a game, each GameComponent should return a Command that, when executed, restores the GameComponent to its state when the game was saved If this component has no persistent state, return null