Building Vassal

From Vassal

This guide contains instructions on how to build on Linux.

If you are running on MacOSX, please see Notes for Mac Users


General prerequisites setup and updating.

Installing build dependencies

Vassal is a Java application and needs a JDK to compile. In addition it needs the make build system.

On a Ubuntu-based system, both can be installed by running:

sudo apt install default-jdk make

Clone the Git repository

Technically optional, since you can download a source code release too, but Git is extremely handy if you will be making modifications and keeping track with current development. Path to the directory where you want the Vassal source to be cloned to and run:

git clone

cd vassal

Keeping up to date

If you have compiled the latest version from Git, you may want to keep up to date with new developments and bug fixes. To update to the latest version, go to the vassal directory where you cloned the repository and run:

git pull

Build and run tests

For building and running tests without building a whole release package.

While in the vassal directory, run:


Build a Linux release package of Vassal

For building a Linux release package of Vassal.

Compile and build the Linux release package

While in the vassal directory, run:

make release-linux

Result and running

If the build is successful, you should not have any errors from the make command, and the tmp/ directory should have a .tar.bz2 file.

Treat this file like a regular Vassal Linux release: unzip it to a location of your choice, and run the script inside it.