Module:District Commander: ZNO

From Vassal
Publisher Hollandspiele Era Modern Warfare
Year 2021 Topic Colonial Independence
Players 2 to 2 Scale Operational
Length 120 to 150 Minutes Series District Commander

Files and Module Information

Filename Filetype Size Date Compatibility Developer Other Contributors
District_Commander-ZNO_v1.0.vmod module 43.15 MB 2024-03-04 3.7.8 Emma Carter

Change Log


Each area has a green marker to show that it has not been activated. Flip to red to show as activated. These can be deleted if not required. Each unit, or stack of units, can be set to activated on the right click menu.

There are three end of turn admin buttons. Reset Areas - This flips all red activated markers to green. Reset Units - This removes activated markers from all units. Hide Insurgents - This flips all face up insurgents to their face down side.

Screen Shots


  • Some Guy