
Class GameModule

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoConfigurable, Buildable, Configurable, GpIdSupport, MutablePropertiesContainer, PropertyNameSource, PropertySource, CommandEncoder, ValidityChecker, Translatable, ToolBarComponent
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class GameModule
extends AbstractConfigurable
implements CommandEncoder, ToolBarComponent, PropertySource, MutablePropertiesContainer, GpIdSupport
The GameModule class is the base class for a VASSAL module. It is the root of the Buildable containment hierarchy, although BasicModule actually stands in as the root node in the Editor's ConfigureTree and contains the root node's own encoder and a certain amount of its build logic, in order to allow the root node to be easily configured in the Editor without fully building/activating the module. Components which are added directly to the GameModule are contained in the package.

It is a singleton, and contains access points for many other classes, such as DataArchive, ServerConnection, Logger, and Prefs.